Friday, March 14, 2014

Top Ten Marvel Ultimate Alliance Characters

10. Doctor Strange
While lacking in physical attacks, Doctor Strange makes up for it with his energy attacks--most specifically, his Falteen Flame, which is capable of both damaging enemies within a large radius, but also absorbing the health of his enemies and distributing it to the rest of his team. Doctor Strange is also one of the superheroes who can fly and glide. His other magical abilities include a variety of projectiles.
9. Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider has great close-up attacks and a variety of distant attacks thanks to his weapon, the chain. His chain also turns out to be among the more powerful weapons. His power, the Ravaging Flame, causes enemies to combust, while his special power, Fiendish Chain, throws his enemies into the air. Chain Flechette, although lacking in power, is a good projectile. 
8. Silver Surfer
Silver Surfer is able to move quickly and can also fly. He has the ability to heal his team. Although some of his special powers do little damage or defense and are mostly for show, his extreme special, Galactic Might, damages nearby enemies and heals his teammates, similarly to Doctor Strange’s Falteen Flame.
7. Ms. Marvel
Ms. Marvel is a well-rounded character, as she has both powerful and quick attacks. She is able to fly as well, and has a wide range of close attacks, projectiles, and team boosts. Some projectile attacks of hers does not have the range that others do, however. Her special, Explosive Touch, doubles as a team boost because it recharges her teammates’ energy levels.
6. Spider-Woman
Spider-Woman is fast and can fly. Her projectile, Spider’s Blood, bounces off walls, therefore making it effective, especially in a crowded room. She has a good range for attacks, although she specializes in projectile and energy-based attacks. Her team boosts, Attract and Metabolic Aura, heal the team and advance her powers. The only drawback is that there is some delay in the execution of some of her projectiles, which can also leave her briefly vulnerable.
5. Thor
Thor has strong attacks, great specials, and the ability to fly. When he grabs onto his enemies his attacks become even more devastating. Although Mjolnir, his hammer, prevents Thor from performing too many distance attacks, his special attacks can wipe out enemies easily. In particular, the Wrath of Gods can bring lightning down from the sky to strike opponents as well as to heal his teammates.
4. Iron Man
Iron Man is a very strong character with very powerful attacks. His combination of powers, which include a radial attack which can clear groups of surrounding enemies, a strong projectile, and an uppercut, which when charged, can take out an enemy with a single blow, all make him incredibly devastating. His suit gives him the capability to ascend into the air instead of double jumping.
3. Wolverine
Wolverine is strong, agile, and has both powerful close range attacks as well as specials. He lacks distant moves; however, he easily makes up for it through his Berserker mode. In this mode, his strength increases, and he is able to use a new variety of special attacks that cannot be used when in his normal mode. Wolverine is a highly recommended character for beginning players.
2. Captain America
Cap does not have any specific superpowers or any ways to fire projectiles, but that does not stop him from being an absolute powerhouse anyway. He has a good combination of close and long range attacks, and he does not really have too many drawbacks. Being a super soldier means he is at the peak of physical strength and speed for a human, so naturally he would be among the powerhouses of the team.
1. Deadpool

Deadpool is both powerful and quick, with a teleporting maneuver that replaces his double jump. This is especially useful when trying to go from one spot to another more quickly. The only downside to his attacks are that there are a slight delay in execution, but that is not too much of a price to pay for the Merc with a Mouth on the team. Deadpool’s wisecracks and one-liners help to make him both a useful asset as well as an amusing one.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Top Ten Party Members in Kingdom Hearts 2

10. Jack Skellington
Jack is primarily a mage. His attacks are based on magic, although any other physical attacks he makes are used with his fists. He has no armor slots, and his magic points run out faster than others because he uses so much magic in battle. His limit ability, Dance Call, enables Sora and Jack to combine their magic to unleash it upon their enemies.
9 Aladdin
Aladdin is quick and agile in battle, although his strength and defense are not too high in comparison to others’. He has several support abilities, and even more physical attacks. His limit, Speedster, involves him and Sora completing a burst of rapid attacks, which also release orbs that are used to raise health, magic, drive, or experience.

Top Ten Reasons why Nook is One of the Most Annoying Characters in Animal Crossing

10. All the bothersome lines that he says.
It gets a bit annoying when you have to put up with him saying ‘excellent counting’ after every purchase or any of his other unintelligent phrases. There’s no getting around it either; no matter how many times you press the A button.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Kingdom Rush App Review

Kingdom Rush is a tower defense game that is available on all Apple devices as well as online. The medieval themed game allows for the chance to defend an end point from a particular group of enemies. These towers include mages, archers, barracks and artillery. There are noticeable differences between the online version and phone versions, which can affect how easy it is to conquer some of the more challenging levels.

Top Ten Things to do in Skyrim

10. Become a vampire.
Vampirism is acquired after the Dragonborn has been infected with the disease, Sanguinare Vampiris, which is contracted after being attacked by a vampire, for longer than three days. Once a vampire, their physical appearance is altered, and they gain new magic powers. They can resist diseases and poisons, sneak more effectively, and can cast more powerful illusion spells. While this seems all well and good, however, the drawbacks to being a vampire easily outweigh the perks. Once the vampire has gone four days without blood, they cannot go anywhere without being attacked by civilians. Furthermore, they are weaker during the day in that they cannot regain their stamina, and they are less fire resistant.

Retro-Review: Captain America: Super Soldier

Captain America: Super Soldier, based on the popular movie, Captain America: The First Avenger, is a third-person video game published by Sega in 2011. The game takes place during World War II, and during the events of the film, between the Captain’s missions to take down HYDRA bases, as well as the climax of the film, where he crashes the HYDRA aircraft into the Arctic. Characters of the game include both characters from the movie, such as Captain America himself, Dum Dum Dugan, and Bucky Barnes, as well as notable enemies in the original comic books, such as Madame Hydra and Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Injustice: Gods Among Us Game Review

Injustice: Gods Among Us takes old school Mortal Combat and gives it an interesting twist. Instead of the traditional characters fighter style characters, we are given DC superheroes and super villains . The character design and representation are nearly spot on and with new characters created as DLC, there’s always an opportunity to play as your favorite Justice League member or dastardly villain.