Thursday, March 6, 2014

Top Ten Things to do in Skyrim

10. Become a vampire.
Vampirism is acquired after the Dragonborn has been infected with the disease, Sanguinare Vampiris, which is contracted after being attacked by a vampire, for longer than three days. Once a vampire, their physical appearance is altered, and they gain new magic powers. They can resist diseases and poisons, sneak more effectively, and can cast more powerful illusion spells. While this seems all well and good, however, the drawbacks to being a vampire easily outweigh the perks. Once the vampire has gone four days without blood, they cannot go anywhere without being attacked by civilians. Furthermore, they are weaker during the day in that they cannot regain their stamina, and they are less fire resistant.
9. Cure vampirism
After the initial realization hits that being a vampire is not all that it is cracked up to be, many take on the quest to cure their vampirism. This ranks so low because of the fact that one has to go about a very specific route in order to cure it. One must seek out the court wizard of Morthal, Falion, in order to learn that to cure vampirism, one must acquire a black soul gem and cast a spell on a human to trap their soul within it. From there, the vampire must meet Falion at a specific location, a stone circle, in order to perform the ritual to cure vampirism. Fortunately, should the Dragonborn contract the disease more than once, they can simply repeat this quest as many times as they need.
8. Become a member of the Dark Brotherhood
The Dark Brotherhood is an organization of assassins, which has, over time, become weaker and less organized due to events that have occurred in previous Elder Scrolls games. To become noticed by the Brotherhood, the player must learn of an in Windhelm who is trying to summon the assassins. This prompts the start of a quest to kill a woman who abuses the orphans residing in the Riften orphanage. Upon killing her, the Dragonborn shall then be taken by the Brotherhood and given the choice to join. Should the Dragonborn decide to do so, they get the chance to reform and restore it to its former glory. Meanwhile, the Dragonborn is able to level up greatly in stealth.
7. Join the Thieves Guild.
The Thieves Guild is located in Riften, and they are known for causing trouble in said hold. If the Dragonborn chooses to join, they have the opportunity to restore the guild to its former glory, as it is often seen as a joke or simply a chaotic mess. Becoming a member helps to increase the Dragonborn’s level in sneaking, archery, lockpicking, and pickpocketing. Other perks include the ability to get more money through jobs and selling items to other members of the guild, getting respect from thieves who travel along the road (which eventually turns into being paid tributes), and bribing guards even without the bribe perk.
6. Become a werewolf.
Lycanthropy is seen as both a disease and a blessing, depending on the person. This disease or blessing involves a person turning into a werewolf once per day. The only way to become a werewolf is to follow through into the Companions storyline. When the Dragonborn becomes a werewolf, they acquire the Beast Form power. They can only use this power once per day, and it allows them to remain in the werewolf form for two and a half minutes real-time, unless they feed on a corpse. Feeding on a corpse not only extends the time, but it also is the only way to replenish health. Being a werewolf also greatly increases speed as well as stamina. The only real drawbacks are that during this time, the Dragonborn is unequipped with their items, the time it takes to transform leaves them vulnerable, and there are no sleeping bonuses.
5. Join the College of Winterhold.
The College of Winterhold is a guild of mages. Joining the College is incredibly easy, merely involving the Dragonborn proving their worth to the gatekeeper by casting a specific spell onto an emblem. Once a member, the Dragonborn is able to level up their Restoration, Alteration, Destruction, and Illusion magic, as well as their Enchantment skill. Following through the College storyline will result in the Dragonborn eventually becoming the new Arch-Mage, giving him access to the former Arch-Mage’s room and study as well as all of the different materials and items kept within.
4. Visit the Hunter’s Spa.
This location is more of an Easter Egg than anything, but it is still nifty to check out. This location is southwest of the hold of Windhelm and east of Fort Amol, and it consists of hot spring pools. Upon arriving there, the player will find three hunters already relaxing in these hot spring pools. Unfortunately, the hunters will hardly respond to the player unless they attempt to steal or harm the hunters, but it is still a cool place to check out and even take a moment to enjoy the area.
3. Perform an Assassin’s Creed style Leap of Faith
This is another Easter Egg that pays homage to the game Assassin’s Creed. Between the holds of Markarth and Falkreath, south of the village of Rorikstead is a ruin called Lost Valley Redoubt. At the top of the ruins is Bard’s Leap Summit, where the player will find a small platform overlooking a waterfall. This scene is meant to resemble a Viewpoint, many of which are located throughout the map in any Assassin’s Creed game, and it encourages the player to jump off of the platform as though performing a Leap of Faith dive. This is the only location where one could jump off of such a high point and survive, simply because the Dragonborn should land in a pool of water. Upon climbing out, the Dragonborn will encounter a spirit named Azzadal, who will tell the story of his failed plunge, give the Dragonborn a Speech level boost, and disappear. .
2. Go to Sovngarde.
Sovngarde to the Nords of Skyrim is Heaven to those who believe in it. It is the Nordic afterlife, where those who have proven their worth in battle go after their death. The only chance the player has to go to Sovngarde is near the end of the main storyline, which is a part of the Dragonborn’s quest to kill Alduin. However, in spite of the actual quest that must be completed, the Dragonborn has the opportunity to look around the Hall of Valor, where many famed Nords can be found enjoying themselves, be it engaging in a spar or drinking mead. It is not all that often a Nord can go to Sovngarde and live to tell the tale.
1. Become a Thane of every hold.
The Dragonborn is capable of becoming a Thane in all nine of the holds within Skyrim. The easiest city to become a Thane of is Whiterun, which will occur during the main storyline. Becoming a Thane is an honor gifted to a person by the Jarl of the city, and it indicates that this person is important, or even a hero. The two biggest perks of being a Thane are that they are excused from crimes if it is mentioned that they are the Thane (although that trick only works so many times) and that they have a Housecarl, or a bodyguard. It takes time to become a Thane in some cases, as it requires fulfilling a Jarl’s personal quest or two, as well as helping a few civilians within the city. Sometimes, it requires purchasing a house within the city, as well.

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